Un estuario es un área costera donde el agua dulce que fluye de los ríos y corrientes de agua se mezcla con el agua salada del océano, bahías, lagunas y canales.
The northwest corner of Puerto Rico is the gem of the Caribbean surfing world. It boasts numerous world-class waves, including Tres Palmas [...] Unfortunately, the character of Rincón and the natural and recreational resources are threatened by overdevelopment.
The Caribbean National Forest is the sole tropical rain forest in the U.S. National Forest System. The forestÂ’s relatively small 28, 000 acre size belies its importance. It differs significantly from all the other U.S. National Forests because of its year-round tropical climate and immense biodiversity.
The gently rolling hills of the refuge lie within the sub-tropical dry forest belt. Because of decades of over grazing much of the native vegetation has been replaced by plants from other regions.
The refuge contains several ecologically distinct habitats including; beaches, coastal lagoons, mangrove wetlands, and upland forested areas. Some of the best examples of sub-tropical dry forest in the Caribbean can be found on refuge lands.
Somos una organización comunitaria, inscrita como corporación sin fines de lucro, que propone conservar el bosque como recurso ecológico educativo comunitario...
Much of the rocky terrain is covered by a native forest adapted to a dry climate. Large gumbo limbo trees are common in interior valleys while a variety of cactus species, including the endangered higo chumbo...
La Reserva Natural Corredor Ecológico del Noreste (RNCEN) es un área de extraordinario valor natural y escénico en Puerto Rico ... localizada en la franja costera al norte de la PR-3 desde Luquillo hasta el balneario Seven Seas en Fajardo.
Descubre y conoce los ecosistemas costeros y marinos del Noreste de Puerto Rico.
Una propuesta para identificar, visitar y rescatar aquellos lugares de espacios naturales que se encuentran en Puerto Rico. Lugares muchos de ellos muy pocos conocidos...
Culebra may be the most precious jewel in the treasure chest of Caribbean refuges. More than 50,000 seabirds of 13 species find their way to this dot in the ocean every year to breed and nurture their young...
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