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Acceptable Use Policy

Search and Directories

We reserve ourselves all rights. These include, but are not limited to, the right to accept, reject, remove, change, update, any information and records entered in our directories.

Add your listing only once. Do not attempt to alter your URL so that your record will be listed more than once. Do not attempt to register more than one page at your site.

Add your listing to only ONE regional database. Any record entered must be relevant and native to the region and database where it is being entered. Multi-national entities and corporations should only be listed in the country where they originate or are headquartered. In the case of our non-Puerto Rico, non-U.S. Virgin Island databases, we will only accept top-level URLs. Top level URLs are those that only contain the site's domain name and the root path "/". No subdirectory and personal home page URLs will be accepted for those databases.

Do not advertise. The information entered into our database should be informative, not a sales pitch. We do not provide free advertising. Titles and descriptions should not be entered in all capital letters or bold. Corporations should use their corporate names, not slogans, as titles. Records that look like commercial ads will be extensively modified or deleted, at our discretion.

Do not misrepresent a site as being your own, if it is not. You must be the owner, or the webmaster of the site located at the URL that you register.

Do not use automated software to submit your site(s). You MUST use a compatible web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera, or Conqueror to manually submit our data entry forms. Attempts to use any form of automation to submit one or more sites will result in the blocking of the software used and removal of any associated sites. If the irresponsible use and/or design of such software results in operational damages to our network, more drastic legal and enforcement solutions will be pursued.

Your site must be finished. We will refuse to include sites that are mostly under construction. These phantom sites can not be reviewed and/or indexed appropiately.

Your site must have content in Spanish and/or English language. Sites with content in other languages will be deleted quickly.

Your site must be useful. We will refuse to include low-quality sites. Symptoms of a low-quality site could include poor design, lack of content, and/or excessive advertising.

No affiliate URLs accepted. This includes, but is not limited to, URLs that would earn you a commission, reward or payment if followed. Also, sites that consist mostly of affiliate store links, with little original content, will be rejected.

We may reject those sites that sell products and/or services online and do not publish sufficient contact information.

Do not submit content that is misleading, pornographic, profanous, libelous or otherwise illegal in the United States of America and/or Puerto Rico.

Do not send Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE, aka SPAM) using addresses collected from our directory. Specificly, harvesting (using any kind of automation) e-mail addresses from our directories with the purpose of re-selling them, and/or sending unsolicited commercial messages is forbidden.

Dominican Republic, Cuba, Jamaica

U.S. Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands (Br), Trinidad and Tobago
Central America:
Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador
South America:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela
Other Directories:
Mexico, Global Sites
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P.O. Box 2868 | Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00970-2868
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